Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Are you riding a chicken?

I love this picture. In our family of very tall thin people, it is not uncommon to be asked if you are riding a chicken or just wearing shorts. Unfortunately, it looks like Dylan got his legs from my side! So far, he is tall and thin. He is a very good cuddler these days and often just flops down to rest where ever he is.
It has been a beautiful week here in paradise. We have had several days of 70 to 75 with blue bird skies and melting snow. The rivers and streams are rockin' and we are watching some of the highest water levels in memory. This past weekend consisted of sleepovers, playdates, birthday/neighborhood parties, swimming and sunning at the Peaks and cleaning the house. It was fun and social from beginning to end. Colter is a non stop bike rider and is now trying to learn to ride a "two wheeler". Crazy, I know. I don't think I even had a bike with training wheels at age three. He is so physically talanted and always wants to keep up with the big kids. We spent time at Rob and Sheila's where the boys chased the baby chickens around. Eli has about 20 names for 4 birds, it is hilarious to listen to the boys talk to and about the chickens. Colter had a sleepover at Modee and Pappy's and then it was time for Roark's birthday party. We shut down the neighborhood and turned 30 or so kids loose. It was total chaos! Colter went to bed early that night. We are hoping to get on the river this weekend and then start packing for Bonaire. Colter has his pirate costume ready, he can't wait to get on a real pirate ship. It is turning into a busy June and time is flying by faster than ever. Dylan is moving so fast, he can cruise back and forth between furniture and races across the floor behind his little car/walker thing. He likes any toy that Colter is playing with, outlets, toilets, cabinets, dishwashers and stairs. He keeps us on our toes.

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