Friday, October 17, 2008

The leaves are down

One big wind storm and the trees are ready for winter! The "forever" greens, as Colter calls them, now stand out on the mountainside. It has been a busy week or so and I am tired. We went to Moab last weekend and enjoyed 60 degree weather while it snowed and blowed back home. Some time at our favorite music park, some nice walks around town and some great yard time. Trevor went on a long motorcycle ride and Colter went with him for a four wheeler ride the next day. It was nice to get away and cold when we came home. The rest of this week has been sunny and mild (atleast in the middle of the day) and we have been soaking it up. Our new addiction around here???? FACEBOOK. Geez, I just figured out this blogging thing and then we gave in to those relentless Friend requests from Facebook. Now, Trevor and I are sitting next to each other on the couch, each with our computers looking up old friends from high school and checking in on people that we still see around town. Nice social life eh?
Dylan is getting to be such a little person. He still climbs and runs and jumps and twists and moves and moves and he is starting to communicate a bit more and is asserting himself even more with other children. Was that a nice way of saying that he is stealing other kids toys and running? Colter is full of action and funny comments. Trevor's parents arrived last night and he proceeded to tell story after story at the dinner table including hand gestures, sound effects and appropriate punch lines. He decided tonight that he wants to go to Iceland like Aunt Ruth and ride in the boats that have wheels, we were looking at pictures on Facebook---- and then he asked "hey mom, where's Frog?" (Prague is where Ruth lives) Tonight after a discussion about borrowing another of Roark's toys and me telling him that he can only borrow one at a time, we came home to get the toy and go back and trade, he says "mom I want to borrow all of the cars, oh wait mom, my brain is talking to me" What is it saying Colter? "It is saying "only one car at a time, only one car at a time."" They can be taught! More from the land of off season later...

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