Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Skiing

1. Dylan with his favorite stackable animal train, we have parades most nights. 2.I can't believe how big they both look in this picture! 3. I hope he likes shovelling five years from now. 4. Dylan and Daddy coming down Lift 10 5. Colter and Roark skiing down Lift 10 planning the next jump.
We have had a great time skiing these last few weeks. Yesterday the four of us skiied together and then Trevor and Colter stayed longer- they got home at almost 6pm after catching the last lift. I love the spring forward part the time change. Both boys are amazing and are enjoying the slopes as much as we are. Colter continues to go everywhere all the time, jumping off of anything in his path and even took an exciting powder run with Daddy through the trees. Dylan went down Lift 10 twice on the harness. For those of you who don't ski here much, Lift 10 is a very long green/blue lift that is a favorite of all ages- just not usually the 1 yr olds! He loves it and spends most of his time laughing or taking roll call to make sure everyone is accounted for. I have been skiing for the last few weeks with the boys and my ankle is doing pretty good. It has been so nice and sunny that we all have spring fever. It will be sad when it is snowing in April and May! Most of the snow around our house has melted, very different from last year when we were still waist deep in March. Grandma and Mac-Mac came for a visit. We had a great time and the boys were so excited. Ok, Colter was super excited and Dylan warmed up to the idea. I think he will remember them this time, he has been looking for them since they left. They did lots of book reading and paper airplane making (Colter's current favorite acitivity) Dylan calls roll everyday about ten times and it has expanded to "Mommy, Daddy, Dolt-da(Colter), Titi (Tim), Momoo (Modee), Pappy, E-i (Eli) and some form of Mimi and Mac Mac after they left. Colter keeps correcting him and saying "No Dylan, it's Grandma not Mimi" We'll see where that lands later. Dylan is teething- again. Brutal for him and me, he doesn't sleep well and just screams. Can't wait for that to be done. He still loves music, books and baths- anything with water and bubbles. Colter is really a funny guy. It is non-stop and I think he will be for years to come. I don't mean like little kid cute and entertaining, I mean make you belly laugh funny that has alot of thought behind it. Today he dressed up like a pirate and had me call our neighbor (our decks face each other) to come out on his deck. So Rocky comes out on his deck with little brother Josh and Colter stands up on his chair and yells "Hey Rockstar, Joshie- or should I say Ar-Bee-Dar me scurvy pirates" He loves to dress up in different costumes for any holiday real or imagined, I guess most of them were imagined by someone originally, and we go everywhere. I think people are more surprised to see him in normal clothes in public, most are used to the ninja, dragon, pirate, monkey, zebra.......... I love it and he is dressing himself, so it's fun to see him come out of his room everyday. He also continues to have an incredible memory and spouts off seemingly random facts that he picks up all day and everywhere. We definately have to be very mindful of what he is exposed to because every commercial, song, show and book sticks in his brain. Someday I think my voice might get in there too and I will be able to stop repeating myself- very selective hearing! Right now the favorites are spiders, snakes, dinosaurs, vikings, knights, and paper airplanes.The other day he asked me if I wanted this certain dishwasher soap that was on a commercial after his show ( I usually record shows and zap commercials- I was slacking) and I said "No thanks, I've got plenty" his answer "but Mom, this one leaves nothing behind but the shine!"

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow, it so amazes me that Dylan can ski at that age. I can't imagine Haley doing something like that now. Guess that's a nice benefit of growing up in the mountains.