Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gonna show you who's boss...

Oh the four year old mind! Colter decided the other day that he had enough and he said "mom, come over here, I'm gonna show you who's boss around here!" I truly have no idea where he comes up with this stuff, we have never said anything like that to him. Dylan is still saying new words, most requiring a good bit of translation, including "bop bop" (flip flop), dump truck, book, all kinds of animal sounds, colors, names, "moo" for yogurt, signs for turtle, shark and lizard. He is continuing on the potty training road and loves to pee off the deck---that must be a boy thing. He runs to the door and says "Ma, pee pee, ide" and strips down right there- very funny to watch, but I don't watch, I run or else he doesn't make it out on to the deck in time! Dylan's favorite word, besides Mama, Dada, Dolder, is "Owie", he screams it whether or not it is justified. He has figured out that someone will come running. We have been enjoying little bits of spring weather here and there. We helped Mom and Dad move into their new house last weekend and then went to visit Finn at his orcchard outside of Delta. Colter and Finn are such good buddies and they had a blast, one of his few friends that can outrun and outlast him! They really tire each other out. We stayed there and then went rafting on the Gunnison River on Sunday. The Trommers have two miles of river frontage and a great take-out/launch site at the orchard. It was a bit chilly, but we are looking forward to many more floats on that section. The orchard is amazing and everyone had a great time. We survived the audit, but the resulting payment (not as big as we thought it would be!) has committed us to a two week vacation in the desert close by and no big road trip around the west. Oh well, hopefully the weather warms up and we can explore Utah a bit more. On a sweeter note, Colter told me tonight that "Even though you and Daddy are different people, you are the best and I love you both!"

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