Thursday, July 5, 2012

New room, crawdads and 4th of July fun fun

The move down valley is mostly done, bit more time and work than we anticipated. Lesson learned, ask for help or pay a moving company next time- no need to be heroes and do it all ourselves. We like our log cabin and yard. The boys decided to have a camo/hunting room and they love the A-frame/tent shaped room they are sharing. It is sunny and warm and we love having the down valley park and secret pond less than a minute away. We will be spending many hours playing on the beach and in the water. Also I can use my SUP (stand up paddle board) while the boys kayak. Uncle Rob was the brainchild and designer of the "Mesa Whitwater" 4th of July float this year. He had rigged a giant tank of water under the raft in the back of the truck and put a pump connected to irrigation line with holes in it all around the raft. As we drove down the street he turned it on and covered the entire crowd with what might be called a heavy mist. Most people thought it was funny....some did not, no sense of humor I suppose! At the end of the parade the sky let loose with a real downpour and if they survived our misting they were soaked by the real rain. All of the boys rode in the raft and used water guns and bubbles, they got third place in the float contest and a fancy ribbon. It appears the monsoon rains are here a bit early. It was a gorgeous hot and dry June and although we need the rain, the hot sunny days are missed already! Next week it is Challenger soccer camp. Summer is flying by!

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